Trends for 2010

The end of 2009 is fast approaching and here at Ignite we’ve been busy wrapping up activity for clients and finalising marketing plans for 2010.

I’m sure many of you are used to seeing the “top 10 trends for the coming year” float into your inbox or appear in articles or blogs around this time each year, but if you are an SME you may find yourself thinking “well that’s great but I’m not sure how I can capitalise on these trends?”

Let’s look at three top trends for 2010.

1. The rise of a more demanding consumer

As globalisation continues consumer expectations and demands continue to increase, which means the companies that will be successful will be those that move with their target market’s desires and preferences.

So what are you doing to ensure you know the desires and preferences of your target market? It’s a given that social media has exploded in popularity, so if your target market is using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bebo etc it would be smart to ensure you are on those sites following what they are saying about your brand.

Having said that, there is no sense in having a social media presence just because everyone else is, particularly if your target market is not using that media. Perhaps your target market share their ideas and opinions via a particular radio show or industry publication. Perhaps you need to do an online survey of your database – there are a few cost effective options available such as – to gauge their views and opinions. Think outside the box but always keep your target market in mind.

Also, remember, an integrated marketing approach  always work best so try to incorporate a full communication mix – Public Relations, Strategic Marketing, Advertising (print, radio or online), Local Area Marketing.

1. Virtual networking merging into face-to-face networking

Online lifestyles are prompting “real world” meet ups and are shattering all predictions about a desk-bound, virtual, isolated future.

You can actually be a part of this by joining groups that share common interests with you and participating in face-to-face meet ups. For example, one of my colleagues here in the office is a regular Tweeter virtually meeting and interacting with a number of professionals in our industry who are interstate. When she tweeted one day that she was planning a holiday in Sydney a few of those interstate contacts were interested in meeting with her in person.

Our agency has also made a number of business contacts through Twitter which we have been able to call upon when in need of particular experts for specific client campaigns. We have proceeded to meet with these business contacts in person and developed strategies with them for our clients.

2. Increase in risqué marketing techniques

2010 will be even more opinion-driven, outspoken than 2009 thanks to the “anything goes” online world. What will you do to follow this trend?

It’s not about necessarily engaging in guerrilla marketing tactics but it is about thinking creatively to strategically catch the attention of your target market and stand out from the crowd. Some good examples of brands/companies which have done this in 2009 are:

These are a few of my thoughts and experiences but of course you can do some strategy planning by doing a bit of your own research on trends for 2010.

Happy planning!

Lyla Lopez – Account Manager