6 questions: Jen Bishop, Editor and Publisher, Dynamic Business
Next up in our series finding out how journalists like to work, any issues they have with PRs, how they like stories to be pitched to them, etc, is Jen Bishop, editor and publisher of Dynamic Business, Australia’s highest circulating magazine for SMEs.
1) What is your deadline day?
I have a different deadline every day of the week! We work on a two-month lead time as a rule, and don’t give out deadlines because if we haven’t commissioned something, why do you need to know?
2) How do you prefer to be contacted (i.e. email, phone, fax, post)?
Always my email. Press releases by fax or post end up in recycling and I’m so often not at my desk, phone isn’t a good way to get me. I’m usually really quick to reply to emails and tweets/DMs though!
3) Is there a particular time of day you prefer to be contacted?
Not really.
4) Do you like to meet companies and bosses for coffee/ lunch? If yes, do you have any favourite venues?
Sometimes. I like venues close to my office so it’s less time out.
5) What are your three pet peeves about PRs?
One: Chasing up the press release sent half an hour ago.
Two: Not doing your research and getting my name wrong/knowing nothing about the magazine.
Three: Phoning up and reading off a script (usually the intern).
6) What would the perfect story pitch be for you? And what’s the best PR pitch you have ever had?
The best pitches are those targeted specifically to my publication by someone who has taken the time to look at it.
I get the best pitches from Caroline and Melissa Shawyer from the PR Group because they know exactly what I need and want and they make my life easier by thoroughly thinking something out before they pick up the phone.